Product Supporters…

Oboz Footwear
I discovered Oboz by accident on my 2009 SOBO hike of the PCT. I ordered a pair and they lasted 900 miles, which was especially great in contrast with one pair or a bigger brand shoe that only made it 120 miles! Durability is a huge factor when it comes to my footwear, since I love the natural world & want to reduce my consumption of resources and landfill space. As my hiking life and Oboz have grown and changed over the years, our relationship has, too. Currently I am not part of the Oboz trail ambassador program, but I still wear and highly recommend their shoes.
Oboz on California’s Bigfoot trail
Oboz in Spring tortoise season
Oboz on California’s Bigfoot trail
Oboz in Spring tortoise season

Osprey Packs
Osprey Packs makes amazing ventilated packs that work wonders in the desert conditions I find myself hiking in most frequently. I’m thankful for the product support during my hikes, and continue to recommend their packs.
Amazing little companies that have
revolutionized my adventures…

Bedrock Bags
Bedrock Bags creates high quality, well designed bikepacking equipment. My gear stays streamlined and compact when packed in these bags. With nothing flopping around and all the weight close to the frame I have been able to take my bike places I thought impossible to go on two wheels.

Huppy Bar
Huppy Bar whips up some delicious and nutritious bars that keep me happy and well fueled during my long walks. I encourage others to try out these tasty treats!