Trailside Radio Episode 2: Talking With Wired
There is a new hiking podcast on the scene! Erin “Wired” Saver and myself are featured on episode 2. Give it a listen & be sure to follow along as Ratatouille broadcasts from his hike of the Pacific Crest Trail this summer.
A bit more about meeting Trailside Radio:
A couple months ago I discovered episode one of Trailside Radio and instantly became stoked on the idea. Trailside Radio‘s host, Ratatouille, was proposing to do something I’ve always thought would be a great way to capture the thruhiking experience. He is planning on making a weekly audio podcast during his Pacific Crest Trail thruhike this summer. His first episode was a collage of voices sharing their perspective on the PCT, along with Ratatouille’s mom chatting about instilling a love for the outdoors and adventure in her son. Radio is my favorite medium, and hiking is my favorite way of being. A podcast about hiking is a perfect combo. I was impressed with Rattatouile’s creative and fresh approach, not to mention the guts he has to record, edit, and post from the trail.

The crowded patio at the Crux is testament to their tasty beer
A few days after hearing episode one, my friend Condor introduced me to Ratatouille, who was on a short trip to Bend to collect interviews for his new podcast. I was busy packing for my work season in the Mojave, but decided to set down the water jugs and solar installation projects long enough to peddle down to the Crux Brewery to chat with Trailside Radio. Ratatouille asked interesting questions, and despite the wind, background music, and highway noise, he walked away with some audio for episode 2.
I met Erin “Wired” Saver at the ALDHA West Cascade Ruck and was very impressed with her story, as well as her commitment to sharing her adventures through her blog. Little did I know that a few weeks later we would get to share the air waves together on this fun new podcast!