12 Hiker Gifts, Day 11
12 trail gifts for under $50, Day 11
Gift 11: Sacks & Baggies
It can be challenging to organize even the simplest of backpacks, and stuff-sacks and plastic baggies are amazing tools for keeping things organized. Stuff sacks and baggies can add up quickly in weight, and it is always important to only bring what you need. Though it might not seem like a trash compactor bag or a silicone nylon stuff sack could possibly add much weight to a pack, it is a good idea to go for the lightest bag you can find that looks like it will last & do it’s job.
Ziplocks: If you are still looking for a good last minute gift for you hiker, you only have to go as far as your kitchen drawers. Give the gift of ziplock baggies! Hikers use hundreds of ziplocks during their time on the trail & a good variety is always appreciated. Everything from dinky little snack sized & sandwich zippies all the way to the heavy duty freezer quarts, gallons, & 2 gallons will find purpose on the trail. I usually buy a big variety pack from Costco before a big hike. In normal front country life I’m all about re-using plastic bags, but the trail is where zippies go to be used to the point of being used up. It is winter and your hiker might not remember the value of the spectacular stocking suffer of plastic bags, but just remind them that they will be needing those zippies come hiking season!
LokSak: Ziplocks on steroids. These bags keep things dry, dust free, and happy for much much longer than a normal freezer bag. I keep my cell phone in one, my maps […]