Feathered Friends Down Bootie Review
I made a video of my favorite new piece of gear. Check out my Feathered Friends down bootie review.
These Feathered Friends Down Booties were given to me by Adam for my birthday back in November. I recently used the booties on a ski tour & fell in love with their functionality. They have two parts, an interior liner bootie and a protective exterior shell. They weigh about 4oz each (8oz/pr), and the down “sock” inners on their own weigh 4oz. Feathered Friends makes high quality gear in the US, and they really thought about the features on this bootie. These booties are a bit more expensive than your average down bootie, but in contrast with my old booties they are worth every extra penny.
More videos to come!
In 2015 I hope to make a handful more videos to help people learn about backpacking and make their outdoor adventures more fun and successful. Check out my YouTube channel, like Sage Clegg Adventures on Facebook, or subscribe to my blog. Feel free to send me comments or video topic suggestions at info@sageclegg.com.

My Ski boots can dry by the fire while I wear my down booties